Learning Outcomes
The "Security Awareness Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties" course provides participants with the specialized knowledge and skills to perform their security responsibilities effectively. Learners will gain a comprehensive understanding of the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code, focusing on assessing risks, implementing preventive measures, and responding to security incidents. By completing this course, participants will be equipped to manage access control, patrol duties, and emergency situations, ensuring enhanced ship security and compliance with international regulations.
Focus Points
This course focuses on the specific duties and responsibilities of seafarers with designated security roles. Key topics include risk identification, security-level management, and implementation of the Ship Security Plan. Participants will learn techniques for monitoring restricted areas, managing access control, and addressing potential threats such as stowaways and piracy. The training includes practical scenarios to develop proficiency in threat response and collaboration with shipboard personnel, ensuring participants are prepared to safeguard the vessel and its crew effectively.
The "Security Awareness Training for Seafarers with Designated Security Duties" course is designed for seafarers tasked with specific security responsibilities onboard ships. Ideal participants include officers, crew members, and personnel directly involved in implementing security measures. A basic understanding of maritime operations is recommended, but no prior security training is required. The course provides a thorough foundation in security principles while addressing the practical aspects of fulfilling designated security duties in compliance with the ISPS Code.